We are in the Universe. The Universe is within us.

Have you ever looked up in the sky staring at it for a while with a calm sensation running through your body, like someone is willing to talk to you right from up there? You close your eyes and everything feels stagnant. A sort of feeling that makes you stop doing whatever that you’re up to and think – what is happening?

And then you look around and see everyone rushing, running behind something. Something that even they aren’t sure will give them the clarity that they’re looking out for. Everyone out there trying to figure out what’s going on while you find yourself caught in the same loop, running.

Suddenly you’re contemplating all your life decisions and “what next?” is the only question that eats you little from the inside. You zone out again from your pool of thoughts into staring at the sky again. But this time you get a certain feeling, that it’s not only you. There’s some frequency trying to catch on to your frequency like there’s someone else there too. Maybe not speaking but listening to you. There’s this energy around you asking you to pour it all out. You catch on to the frequency let your heart out,

That right there is the power of the universe. That feeling you get is nothing but a relief as you let it all out and let go everything to the universe. When you feel a bit lone believe that there is someone who is still listening to you and wants you to put an end to what you’re holding on to let that be remorse or your grief. It is the Universe listening to you when you want to acquire some things so badly and your desires are so strong that you end up having it sooner or later.

That is how the universe works, it conspires to get you all that you want, all that you need to do is devote yourself in the ways of universe and believe


Just like the universe above, there is a universe within. Everything that you need is already inside you. This place is created by you with your own thoughts, your attitude, beliefs, experiences, traumas and your way of seeing the world. It is made with all that you had, what you have now and what are you going t. This universe is ruled by your own self the way you feel, the way you’re willing to change it. Call it a delusion but if you’re firm of taking things the way you want you’ll end up experiencing the power of you to mold things however you want. this will be a kind of miracle you will experience – a complete bliss.

They say ‘your thoughts rule your world‘ I say mold your thoughts a certain way that it can not only rule your world but also make your world it a better place to live. Besides, you create the life you want to live so make your life worth living.

I am the creator of my own universe. It all starts from you, believe in yourself and see the world change around you. 🙂

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